

Sarti G., Bertoni D., Capitani M., Ciampalini A., Ciulli L., Cerrina Feroni A., Andreucci S., Zanchetta G., Zembo I. (2017) -- Facies analysis of four superimposed Transgressive-Regressive sequences formed during the two last Iinterglacial-glacial cycles (central Tuscany, Italy.). ATTI DELLA SOCIETÀ TOSCANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI RESIDENTE IN PISA. MEMORIE. SERIE A, vol. 124, p. 133-150, ISSN: 0365-7655, doi: 10.2424/ASTSN.M.2017.24. Link to article

Bertoni D., Sarti G., Caiti A., Costanzi R., Mecocci A., Pozzebon A., Bartolini S. and Team COSTE (2017) -- The holistic approach to support coastal zone data collection and management: is the augmented virtuality a real solution?. In: What will you discover?. New Orleans:AGU, New Orleans, 11-15 december

Rossi V., Amorosi A., SARTI G., Mariotti S. (2017) -- Late Quaternary multiple incised valley systems: An unusually well-preserved stratigraphic record of two interglacial valleyfill successions from the Arno Plain (northern Tuscany, Italy). SEDIMENTOLOGY, p. 1-28, ISSN: 0037-0746, doi: 10.1111/sed.12379. Link to article



Di Celma C., Malinverno E., Bosio G., Collareta A., Gariboldi K., Gioncada A., Molli G., Basso D., Varas-Malca R., Pierantoni P.P., Villa I. M., Lambert O., Landini W., Sarti G., Cantalamessa G., Urbina M., Bianucci G. (2017) -- Sequence stratigraphy and paleontology of the Upper Miocene Pisco Formation along the western side of the lower Ica Valley (Ica Desert, Peru). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 123(2), pp. 255-273. - Link to article


Boretto G., Zanchetta G., Ciulli L., Bini M., Fallick A., Lezzerini M., Colonese A.C., Zembo I., Trombino L., Regattieri E., Sarti G. (2017) -- The loess deposits of Buca Dei Corvi section (Central Italy): Revisited. Catena 151, 225-237. - Link to article


Rossi V., Bivolaru A., Morhange C., Razzino P., Amorosi A., Azzarone M., Marriner N., Scarponi D., Sarti G. (2017) -- Holocene ostracod and mollusc faunas from the Razelm lagoon (Danube Delta, Black Sea): a multi-proxy paleoenvironmental record approach. In: 18th International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO-18), University of California, Santa Barbara August 27-31, 2017.


Ciccarelli D., Pinna M.S., Alquini F., Cogoni D., Ruocco M., Bacchetta G., Sarti G., Fenu G. (2017) -- Development of a coastal dune vulnerability index for Mediterranean ecosystems: A useful tool for coastal managers?. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 187, 84-95. - Link to article



Alquini F., Sarti G., Ciccarelli D., Ferreira J.C.F. De Melo, C.V.Veira (2017) -- Vulnerabilidade costeira do Ambiente de Restinga. Cap 15, 385-411. - In: Patrimonio natural, cultura e biodiversidade da resting do Parque Estaudal Acarai Editora Unville (Brasil) ISBN -978-85-8209-069-5, 478pp.


Bertoni D., Sarti G., Gozzi M., Mecocci A. and Pozzebon A. (2017) -- A low-cost technique to quantify river suspended sediment transport towards the assessment of coastal sediment budget. In: Conference Programme and Abstracts Volume, 11th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology (Eds. S.M. Hubbard, P.R. Durkin, D.A. Leckie, and C.J. Simpson), 129-130. Calgary, CANADA, July 17-21, 2017. - Link to abstract


Commodari A., Sarti G., Bini M. and Rossi V. (2017) -- An interdisciplinary approach to the Arno palaeochannels reconstruction since the X century BC in the Pisa coastal plain (Tuscany, Italy). In: Conference Programme and Abstracts Volume, 11th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology (Eds. S.M. Hubbard, P.R. Durkin, D.A. Leckie, and C.J. Simpson), 139. Calgary, CANADA, July 17-21, 2017. - Link to abstract


Sarti G., Rossi V. Amorosi A. Campo B. (2017) -- The role of Late Quaternary incised valley systems in coastal-plain aquifer geometry: A case study from the Arno Plain (Ligurian Sea, Italy). In: Conference Programme and Abstracts Volume, 11th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology (Eds. S.M. Hubbard, P.R. Durkin, D.A. Leckie, and C.J. Simpson), 162-163. Calgary, CANADA, July 17-21, 2017. - Link to abstract


Bove C., Mecocci A., Pozzebon A., Alquini F., Bertoni D., Sarti G. and João Carlos Ferreira de Melo Júnior (2016) -- A low power wireless sensor node for the measurement of height variations of coastal sand dunes. 6th EnvImeko - IMEKO TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements October 28, 2016, Reggio Calabria, Italy. - Link to article


Alquini F., Bertoni, D., Sarti G. (2016) -- Impressive abrasion rates of marked pebbles on a coarse-clastic beach within a 13-month timespan. Marine Geology, 381,175-180 - Link to article


Bini M., Pappalardo M., Sarti G., Rossi V. (2016) -- Gli scenari paleogeografici della pianura di pisa dalla protostoria all'età contemporanea.  IL GEOLOGO, 99, 13-19 - Link to article


Bertoni D., Sarti G., Grottoli E., Ciavola P., Pozzebon A., Domokos G., Novák-Szabó T. (2016) -- Extreme erosion of a dune crest within a short timespan (January-September 2016): The recent case in the Migliarino - San Rossore - Massaciuccoli Regional Park (Tuscany, Italy). Atti della Societa Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie Serie A 123, 5-16 (open access) - Link to pdf


Pozzebon A., Bove C., Cappelli I., Alquini F., Bertoni D., Sarti G. (2016) -- Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network for Real Time Remote Monitoring of Sand Dynamics on Coastal Dunes. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 44, (4), 42030 (open access) - Link to article


Alquini F., Bertoni D., Sarti G., Ciccarelli D., Pozzebon A., De Melo J.C.F. (2016) -- Vulnerability Assessment of a Coastal Dune System at São Francisco do Sul Island, Santa Catarina, Brazil. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 44, (5), 052028 (Open access) - Link to article


Sarti G., Rossi V., Amorosi A., Ciampalini A., Molli G., Moretti S., Solari L. (2016) -- The late Quaternary evolution of the Arno Coastal plain (northern Tuscany, Italy): unravelling the interplay between glacio-eustatic and tectonic signals. American Geophysical Union, Fall General Assembly 2016 San Francisco California December 11-15, abstract #EP11A-0981. - Link to article