
research logoCurrent Research Interest




Coastal sedimentary dynamics. R.F.Id. (Radio Frequency Identification) technology applied to track both subaerial and underwater displacement of pebbles). Coastal dune systems. Their morphodynamics derive from the interation between abiotic and biotic factors. Multisciplinary apporach by the use of wirless technology, vibracorer, drone. Analysis of source to sink system. Ridistribution of sand from acrreting areas to retreating areas whithin a single littoral cell or beteween adjacent cells. Reserarch agreement  betwee the three Tuscany University  (Pisa, Florence and Siena): an holistic approach to a wise management of Tuscany coast: a challenge to take right and aware choices along land-sea interface.



 quaternaryQuaternary geology.  Application of the concepts of facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy to the Late Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial, deltaic and nearshore deposits through analysis of continuously cored-boreholes, in order to establish aquifers geometry and fix the relationships between high frequency climatic fluctuation and depositional architecture (Grants from Comune and Provincia of Pisa). Geological surveys of Quaternary deposits of Southern Tuscany and Po coastal plain (CARG Project official website)




Geoarcheology. Harbor-stratigraphy at  Kinneret Lake (Galilee Sea, Israel). Link to Magdala project official website. Reconstruction of the palaeodepositional history of the last 4 kyr of the Pisa coastal plain. Link to M.A.P.P.A. project official website. Portus Pisanus stratigraphy. Geoarchaeology of Mediterranean deltaic environments - A comparative approach Including: Turia (Spain), Birgi (Italy), Danube (Romania), Akko (Israel) and Kuban (Russia)", research network coordinated by Christophe MORHANGE, University Professor at the Centre de Recherche et d’Enseignement de Géosciences de l’Environnement (CEREGE), involving in particular the Universities of Roma - La Sapienza, of Pisa, of Bologna, of Valencia and of Haifa 




 Ica desert, Pisco basin, Perù.  P.R.A. (University of Pisa Project  2015). Geological evolution of Pisco Formation (middle Miocene-late Pliocene) in the frameworks of its eceptional fossil record of marine vertebrates.






Darwin at Santiago de Cabo Verde. During 2012 I was involved in this project as scientific leader for the stratigraphic and sedimentological study  of marine deposits outcropping at altitudes ranging from 0 to + 20 sea level on the island of Praia (Cape Verde). These deposits were recognized and correctly interpreted by Darwin, in his voyage on the Beagle, as rised beach deposits. For the first time these observations convinced him, towards the hypothesis of vertical movements. Link to the project